Upper Elementary (4th – 6th Grade)
The Upper Elementary mixed-age classroom continues to lay the foundation for strong work habits, study skills and a passion for learning. Instead of waiting for assignments from the teacher, older students are able to refer to their individual work plans for guidance. The teacher presents lessons to individuals or small groups, and academic skills are learned in context. Managing their work throughout the week assists students in becoming independent and self-directed.
Mathematics – Lessons are based on the use of concrete materials in arithmetic, pre-algebra and geometry. With use of hands-on learning materials, students become increasingly proficient. Over time there is a natural progression from reliance on the materials to abstract concepts and thinking.
Integrated studies – These may incorporate arts, science, language and social sciences. Research skills are refined in individual and group projects. Reading is required in daily work and in literature. Language skills advance though grammar, spelling and writing activities.
Science – Study includes geology, geography, biology, chemistry and anthropology presented through materials such as timelines, charts, scale models and other hands-on materials.
Computers skills – Computers are an integrated part of the classroom as a learning tool and information resource. Students practice keyboard skills, reading, and develop their online research skills.
Physical activity -Healthy physical activity is vital to the student’s development. Movement is allowed in the classroom to facilitate learning. Daily outdoor time and organized physical education are part of the program.
Field trips – To promote understanding of the world, students go on field trips throughout the year. They may attend a play or musical performance, visit a museum, tour a farm or do other activities related to their studies.